
EcoStrategies for Sustainable Development, S.A.E. is the first Sustainable Development Company approved by the Egyptian Government (Investment authority).

The objectives of EcoStrategies is not only related to waste management and zero pollution but also related to sustainable buildings and sustainable communities. We are the only company worldwide implementing 100 % recycling for all types of wastes in cooperation with The American University in Cairo. EcoStrategies in cooperation with Egypt Green Building Council released the first sustainable community rating system using the concept of zero pollution – Tarsheed Communities – a member of a family of Tarsheed rating systems for sustainable buildings.

EcoStrategies provides consulting activities towards green solutions that make business sense for our clients. Some of the areas of our expertise include green building certification, green community certification, waste management and planning, environmental management systems, and cleaner production.

In LEED consulting, our professionals serve as the required LEED Accredited Professionals for your project, navigating the LEED certification process by providing expertise on green building options, coordinating the LEED project team, and helping with the documentation of LEED compliance. We provide continuous onsite and off-site LEED consultancy services. We provide needed training on the concepts, methodology and tools used for successful implementation of LEED requirements.

In waste management, we conduct research and continuous development in new recycling technologies. We are the only LEED consultants that have been able to achieve 75% to 100% recycling rates in Egypt.

